Organics and More provides bedding that brings you a new vision! Organic bedding is a fantastic illustration of how ecologically responsible purchases have grown in popularity in recent years. You may already be aware of the benefits of choosing a chemical-free lifestyle by using duvets, bed sheets, and pillows, but choosing chemical-free Organic bedding also has many benefits.
In this blog post, we have discussed the benefits of selecting a chemical-free lifestyle and how it differs from a standard lifestyle by opting for conventional bedding.
Your body is buckling down for you while you’re sleeping. It is a time when necessary maintenance is carried out and the body, as well as mind, can recover from the day’s activity. Both necessary proteins like hormones and antibodies, along with potentially toxic metabolic waste products, are processed and removed from the blood. Therefore, it is even more important to maintain a chemical-free lifestyle and a sleeping environment that is as supportive of a pleasant and health-restoring night’s sleep as feasible.
The actual bed material that we cover ourselves in every night is a fundamental component of this that is sometimes overlooked at this point. By using “conventional,” or non-Organic, bedding, we are increasing the body’s toxic load, which eventually harms our health. In the current society, many of us acknowledge that we only feel “half healthy” at best.
The good news is that converting to a chemical-free lifestyle is a significant step towards better health. The health of your skin, respiratory system, immune system, and overall well-being will all be enhanced. We look at the explanations of why below.
Chemical-free lifestyle for better skin
Surprisingly, standard textile processing and production involve the use of a wide range of hazardous heavy metal ions, cancer-causing Azo dyes, formaldehyde, chlorine-based bleaches, and nanoparticles. Be cautious when purchasing bedding that makes promises like “color-fast,” “stain-resistant,” and “wrinkle-free,” as they frequently signify the inclusion of extra formaldehyde. In addition to being a source of irritation, formaldehyde also functions as a cross-connecting expert and aids in repairing other harmful synthetics to the material filaments, giving it a one-two punch!
Thankfully, bedding that has been certified as Organic cannot include any of these dangerous substances. I want to be clear that the word “certified Organic” is not protected in the textile business, in contrast to food. So always make sure your bedding has the GOTS natural confirming name. The international benchmark is the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), which addresses Organic status in both textile cultivation and manufacture. You might be wondering if there are enough of these synthetic substances in the environment to do any harm.
Despite their relatively low concentrations, it should be kept in mind that we interact with our bedding for about eight hours every day, thus these chemicals are still present. Undoubtedly, a fresh 2018 logical study showed significant material contaminants were adsorbing to skin-imitating films in the lab (benzothiazole was investigated). We at Organics & More know from customer feedback that people with sensitive skin, people with skin disorders like eczema, children, and adults all quickly notice a significant change in how their skin responds to the chemical-free lifestyle.
Organic sleep for better sleep
We are all aware of the benefits of a restful night’s sleep for our health and general well-being. We don’t frequently consider how directly this is impacted by our bedding. High-quality, chemical-free Organic bedding made of cotton and other natural fibers is incredibly breathable, especially when it has a percale weave.
This enables us to maintain a constant internal temperature throughout the evening, which is beneficial for deep and restorative sleep. Our customers frequently comment that they can immediately tell the difference between our Organic bedding and synthetic fibers, which contain no inflammatory chemicals or residues. Our bodies are aware of and prefer natural methods.
Organic linens are Breathable
For pollutants and bedding byproducts, such as volatile Organic compounds (VOCs), inhalation is another access channel. Once more, the finished product, or the substance soup due to the use of synthetic sheet material, speaks for itself.
It’s crucial to remember that using non-Organic bedding might still have negative impacts even if we don’t have any visible respiratory issues. When we reach the age of fifty, we will have spent approximately 17 of those years in bed, thus all that is needed is enough time.
Allergies brought on by elements like dust mites may also be a concern. Regular filaments, like fleece, are a great way to counteract such problems because the strands are typically hypoallergenic, as opposed to manufactured strands (like the synthetics). For an extra-soft and opulent feel, Organic cotton can be used to cover Organic wool pillows and duvets.
While maintaining a nutritious diet and engaging in regular exercise is important, you shouldn’t disregard the third of your life that you spend in bed. Choosing a chemical-free lifestyle by using Organic bedding from Organics & More makes a substantial contribution to a balanced, healthy existence free from respiratory and skin issues. The fact that you can do it while you sleep is the best part!